Monday, 23 May 2011

Live chat - 2 attemp

Live-Chat with Kasia Borek and Lucy Scherer - the 2. attempt on Tuesday 21st of June at 7-8pm German time

Dear Fans
good news from our editorial team:
the servers are renewed, a technical defect was fixed and a new date was found - the second attempt of a very special chat can start.

On Tuesday the 21st of June at 7pm Kasia Borek and Lucy Scherer will be with us in our live-chat. Then you will be finally able to ask the questions, you have always been interested in.

We're looking forward to your questions!

second part:
How you can take part
You've got two different possibilties to take part at the chat:
1: As an active chatter you can ask questions yourself and read the chat. You only have to give yourself a name and log in. If your name is already taken, please try another one. If the maximum number of users for the chat is reached, please use the second possibilty "Nur mitlesen", which means "Only read"
2. If you only want to read the questions of other users and the answers, you can follow the chat as an observer

INFOBOX (red little box beneath the text):
the link to the chat you will find exactly here on Tuesday!