The broadcaster SAT1 is holding a contest,
in which they would like HaH fans to participate.
That's YOU! :-D
They want you to vote on your all-time favorite episode!
We believe their goal is to determine
which storylines were the most popular
and what exactly the demographics of the fanbase are,
including which countries they are from.
They will probably use that information to guide them
in going forward with the proposed webseries.
(But that's just our guess.)
For entering the contest, you will have a chance to win
either a DVD box set of HaH episodes 30-60
or Luzi Beschenko's necklace (the one Timo gave her for her birthday).
You know what you need to do! ;-D
You have until October 5th to vote!
(Western European Time)
Here is the website where you can enter the contest:
And below is an image of the form
with English translations for each field --
so you know how to fill it out.
Click on the image to enlarge it!
(all fields are required except phone and cell numbers):